Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Career Planning

So lately, my boss has been trying to drag me into his office (HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER PEOPLE!) to plan my career. Not just, what's Samantha going to be doing for the next couple of months...we're talking years. They're planning me into YEARS of projects here. It's weird...I've gone into EVERY job I've ever had thinking,"This will do for now." Even this one, because I still need my Ph. D dammit! But shit...they're planning me so far's freaking me out.

So today, we picked my path. I was pretty clear on where I want this supposed "career" of mine to go:

  • I like field work and want to do LOTS of it; not quite a rarity, but apparently the enthusiasm I bring to learning how to sample and just getting out in the field is really appealing to project managers, so I shouldn't have problems getting out there...especially since I'm so low in the cost-structure, I'm cheap labor...clients love that!
  • I love biostats and experimental design; SUPER RARE. I tell ya what...I never knew how strange that was until I began telling people I like it. I've said it once, and I'll say it again I LOVE BIOSTATS! He was telling me any training I request for this will likely get approved immediately because they're desperate for statisticians...can we say job security?
  • The last thing I brought up was that my one true love has always been and will always be marine and estuarine environments and that I would love to focus on those projects...and river/lake projects would be alright as well. He's going to keep his eye out for projects where I can get water sampling (by water sampling I mean getting critters outta there!) experience. It all ties back to me being cheap to bill to the client. I also want to get re-SCUBA certified and figure out what training and experience I need so I can start helping with dive sampling...not only would that be friggin fun...but it would look fantastic on my resume for grad school (what? I still want to go, I should make sure I don't waste my time on crap that's not applicable...I mean hell, I've got a job where I can get PRACTICAL experience to help me get in...I'm using it dammit!)

So yeah, it's amazing to have a boss who not only asks what I want to do at work, but is going to help me make it happen. It's also terrifying to be planning 6 months ahead in my job, let alone years...but it's kinda cool too. Who knows if I'll actually stay with my company for that long...but it's nice to know that if I do, we've got a plan.

This is all just more evidence that I'm actually a I...wait...I take that back...more evidence that I'm BECOMING a grown-up. Ahhh...much better.


Blogger A. Diabetic Person said...

Hey, if nothing else, your boss heard it straight from you what you really want to do, and he wants to give you work to do.

Adulthood is not fun. But then again, you can go to bed whenever you want, so it's not all bad.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Charlie said...

not everyday you hear the word "estuarine", I'll tell you what.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Xuggo said...

Got anymore of those bosses on sale??
I could use one for myself!
Had enough of the critter's POV...

9:10 PM  

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