Saturday, January 28, 2006


Yes, I get it. It's Chinese New Year's. Happy New Year's. But seriously, 4 days of firecrackers, drums and bells is ENOUGH! How much longer will this go on!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

And...I'm kinda confused...I thought I lived in land of Vietnamese people....not Chinese....


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Whoa...I'm freaking out

Seriously...look! CLICK HERE!! It's like...FREAKY! HOLY SHIT! Sorry...didn't mean to swear...I entire life's obsession has just been justified!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Baby steps....

Today when my field buddy and I came in for lunch today (LATE I might add), we arrived and saw an empty conference room with leftover baby sandwiches. I was so hungry, that I went...OK, I'll take whichever one isn't ham. I grabbed something with chicken cheddar, onions, ranch dressing, onions and tomatoes. I figured it didn't matter if I removed the crap (i.e. onions and tomatoes) because they already oozed their badness all over the sandwich (they'd been sitting out for a while).

What did the amazing Sam do? She chowed down. That's right, I ate raw onions and tomatoes.

You should all be very proud.

If you're not... don't know me at all.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

F*#$ New Year’s Resolutions

…that’s WAY too much pressure for my little stress tummy to handle…not enough time…and frankly, I look WAY further into the future than December. These are my “10 Things I Must Do Before I Die Resolutions”

  1. Become an optimist

***HEY! It could happen, it’ll just take time…my dad’s side of the family lives a really long time…maybe since I didn’t get any of the other good health Italian genes…I’ll luck out and get those…see…that’s optimistic right?

  1. Get my Ph.D.

***OK, it’ll probably be in Marine Science, I can’t imagine getting it in something else, but I won’t tie myself down to Marine Science. I just some day would LOVE to be Dr. Sam. If not some form of marine science (deep sea, fisheries management, ecology, etc.), I’m hoping for it to be environmental in some way (conservation biology, maybe ecotoxicology?) or biostats…I know…nerds are sexy!

  1. Get SCUBA re-certified

***I got certified at the youngest age I could (13). Everything was cool, but then we went to do the skills in the ocean, and my ears just about exploded. I’ve been afraid to go back, but I have to. How pathetic is a marine biologist who can’t SCUBA dive?

  1. Be a college professor

***This was a goal that popped into my head towards the end of school. Coaching gymnastics taught me that I really enjoyed teaching. It’s incredibly rewarding. I also really love learning, and found that I loved learning more when I had an awesome teacher. I hope to some day be an inspiration to some lost student out there to go, “Yeah, that’s so awesome, I finally know what I want to do. Thanks for your help Dr. Sam” (the professor resolution is dependent on #2 J).

  1. Marry the man of my dreams and have his children

***What? Just because I have lofty career goals doesn’t mean I don’t want to have an amazing family. As any of you reading my blog know…it’s not like I have a normal family and that’s all I’ve ever wanted. Since I can’t change who they are/were, I’ll just have to break the chain and start my own family. Hopefully, this man of my dreams will have a good family…it’s easier to grow a big strong healthy tree from a sapling than a seed.

  1. Get my own standard poodle

***My childhood puppy is quickly nearing the end of his life. I’m not sure if any dog could ever fill Cirrus’ shoes, but I’m sure willing to give it a shot. And my poodle puppy is hypoallergenic…hooray! Did I mention that my dad promised to buy my a purebred as a wedding gift (see #5 above)? I love my future dowry!

  1. Own my home

***I HATE RENTING! I feel like every month I’m just throwing money away. I know I have a roof over my head, but it’s not the same as investing in my future and the thought that at some point (after my 20-30 year mortgage), I could stop paying for that roof over my head.

  1. Expand my food horizons

***This is a constant struggle for the world’s pickiest eater. I’m getting better every year, but I’m still a far cry from “normal.” I just don’t want my kids to turn out as picky as me. The easiest way to avoid that, eat everything you want them to eat…those little buggers love whatever their parents/grandparents/siblings do.

  1. Take cooking lessons

***I need variety. I know how to make only a few things. Admittedly, this will get easier every step I take towards accomplishing #8. If I’m going to be a wife and mommy, I better learn some more recipes!

  1. Get my ass to Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand

***Coral reefs, volcanoes, penguins….nuff said.