Monday, October 17, 2005

I've found my people

Being the AMAZING friend I am, I was helping my friend Jen load some things from her storage unit into her truck for her new fantastic apartment. After "Ginger Rogering It" (doing it backwards and in heels) and packing the car full of stuff, we headed back to San Jose to drop my butt back off at my house.

Now, on a side note, I have the most FANTASTIC personalized license plate. I won't tell everything about it, but obviously, being mine, it has to do with penguins. When I was picking my license plate, I could not believe how many different combinations and spellings of penguin I had to use. I mean, I know penguins rock, but apparently, so do a bunch of other people in this wonderful state of Cali!! So I finally settled on something with PNGWN in it. Now, back to the story.

So we're driving down 880 and I see something and I TOTALLY start freaking out (and prolly freaked Jen out who was trying to drive with limited rear-view mirror vision). I yelled something like PENGUIN PENGUIN PENGUIN. That's right ladies and gentlemen...we were following behind an SUV with the license plate PNGWN 1. That's right! PNGWN! IT'S THE SAME! HOLY CRAP!!! And here I thought my spelling with no vowels was so clever!

So I'm freaking out, and I tell Jen to follow her, and "GET THE PNGWN!" So as Jen's wildlly trying to catch her and getting close, I'm snapping pictures with my camera phone, waving wildly with this big dumb grin on my face. We pull up next to her and I was still waving madly...she briefly glanced over, and then quickly looked back in front.



Blogger A. Diabetic Person said...

If you do that to people in Texas they shoot you.

It's time for me to come back to Cali.

2:29 PM  

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